Sunday, November 3, 2013

Sneak Peek Sunday

Sneak Peek Sunday will feature a picture from an upcoming pattern.  It can range from the yarn I'm using for the sample (such as above), part of the pattern, swatches or any other part of the design process such as inspiration. - M

Friday, November 1, 2013

Indie Design Gift-a-long

I'm here to announce that I as well as over 150 other independent designers are part of a massive undertaking over at Ravelry called the Indie Design Gift-a-Long.  This Gift-a-long is like none other before.  This KAL/CAL/GAL spans two entire months, November and December and for the first two weeks of the Gift-a-long, November 1st to November 15th, all of the participating designers have a select number of patterns on sale for a discount of 25% using the code giftalong.  My participating designs can be found on my designer page over on Ravelry.

There will be prizes awarded throughout the entire two months so the sooner you join the better your chances of winning.

Also, feel free to stop by the Normally Abnormal Knits group over on Ravelry to share your projects and ask any questions.


I'm glad you found me over here!

In the future, this site will be used to announce patterns  in progress, newly released patterns, contests and giveaways.

Also, check out the Ravelry group and like us on Facebook!